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Search results for: agile
Agile project development team
Software development teams everywhere are now utilising Agile project development to organise and deliver their projects. This iterative approach allows software to be built in detailed increments from the beginning of the project. More traditional methods, such as the Waterfall Model, lack the nuance and detail of Agile project development as all projects are delivered as a bulk package, rather than being built step-by-step.
Agile tools for game development
Flowlu can be used for a huge range of applications – including game development. Using a team-oriented approach, the planning and production stages of a game is handled effectively through allowing users to sort tasks in a myriad of ways, including calendar view, project sections, statistics, and attachment sections. All of these methods can be extremely useful when dealing with team members working with the same assets.
Product Updates: Agile Projects Improvements
Explore Agile dashboards, task printing & dozen handy updates!
Agile tools for software teams
Complex development tasks made easy with task allocation, dependencies and priorities and full team management. Use work sprints to reach targets and deadlines comfortably. Iron out bugs using the issue log, while monitoring team, project and individual progress to ensure optimal resource allocation. Budgeting made simple using powerful finance tools. Create custom workflows to match the makeup of your team. Burndown charts provide detailed insight into project progress.
Agile project management software
Agile project management methodologies have been implemented by software teams for nearly a decade, resulting in benefits such as increased work speed, improved collaboration, and greater ability to respond to market trends. Rather than trying to determine which different packages are the best choice for your software team, choose Flowlu for a complete solution. Flowlu provides everything you need to create or refine your Agile project management practices.
Agile management software
Agile management software expertly delivered by Flowlu. Create and manage sprints and sets of tasks using boards and lists. Assign tasks to team members, assigning priorities and deadlines. Visual project burndown charts show project progression for both sprints and the entire project. Use detailed and accurate estimations to plan deadlines and updates. Move over your JIRA backlog data easily and efficiently with direct import option.
Agile tools for business teams
Manage tasks across teams, using priorities and dependencies to maximise efficiency. Use work sprints to reach targets goals with precision using teamwork. Visual reporting highlights needs, while problems are easily solved in the issue log. Use estimates and projections to manage expectations and maintain project focus. Burndown charts and visual analytics give a clear view in real time of project progress. Use JIRA backlog data by importing effortlessly into Flowlu.
Agile software for development and engineering
Designed specifically for your work process, Flowlu is a software for development and engineering which caters to all kinds of projects. Whether the product is for open source or business purposes, Flowlu gives you the ability to host and review code, manage individual projects, and build software products from the ground-up.
Agile tools for remote teams
Most current businesses make use of remote teams on some level. The benefits of these remote teams are that they're able to work on a project around the clock, and can be filled with strong talent from less-competitive markets. However, remote teams have their downsides too; many remote teams will have difficulty in using face-to-face Agile practices.
Agile Planning: Step-by-Step Guide for Agile Projects and Sprints
We're all looking for the best examples and templates to build our projects. But when it comes to agile project management, proper planning and understanding of internal processes can be even more vital to success.
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