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  3. Onboarding


With the Onboarding, you can create step-by-step checklists for both your employees and external users. 

Such workflows will help you save time for onboarding new hires, as well as quickly train your employees.

Using this module, you can:

  • improve the knowledge of your employees and track teammate performance;
  • create your own training courses and monitor the progress.
  • create separate training guides for different departments of your company.

Setting Up Onboarding

Go to the Marketplace and install the Onboarding app.

A new section Onboarding will appear in the left menu, go to it and click "Create Onboarding".

You can add a banner that will be displayed for users that will get access to this onboarding. After adding image, you can edit CSS for it by clicking on the three dots button:

In the window that opens, specify the name of your onboarding template. To add a section and subsection, click on the appropriate button, specify the name and click “Save”.

As with the Work Structure in each project, sections refer to stages of onboarding, and subsections will become milestones used to simplify monitoring of progress for each stage of onboarding.

For each of the subsections, create your own list of steps that need to be completed. Describe in details what the step is about and give recommendations. The step can also be duplicated, copied or deleted by clicking on the three dots button.

You can view a full description of a created task by clicking on the blue arrow. To change the order of sections, subsections and steps, click drag the two-stripes button. Use the pencil icon to edit them.

Customizing the Onboarding Template

In the Settings section, you can also set the progress type and access type for the onboarding template.

You can add onboarding preview that will be displayed if you're given access to more than one onboardings.

Progress type:

  • By each user. Onboarding progress is tracked individually for each employee.
  • By a group of users. Progress is tracked on a one-for-all basis. If one employee completed the task, then it will be marked as completed for others too.

You can also allow users to turn off Onboarding for their account.

Access type:

  • All users - The template is available for all authorized users (internal employees and external users);
  • Administrators - only system (account) administrators can see the template;
  • Internal users - the template is visible to all internal users, including administrators;
  • External users - The template is visible only to external users, that is, clients to whom an invitation was sent to the account;
  • Customizable for external users - Access is set for both a specific group of external users and for individual  external users;
  • Customizable for internal users - Access is set for both a specific group of users and for individual users.

You can copy the ready-made onboarding template, its exact copy will appear in the list, and if you wish, you can adapt it to an onboarding for another department, thereby saving time on creating and configuring a new template.

The created step-by-step onboarding will be displayed to employees when they sign in to their account. If several training courses are assigned to the user, they will be displayed as a list.

Access rights

There are two types of access rights for Onboarding module: administrator and access denied. The rights are set in the Module settings in the "Applications" section.

The Administrator can create and edit onboarding templates.

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